Depart nicely: The importance and benefits of outplacement for employers

Why is outplacement important?

The dismissal of an employee is a sensitive issue for both parties. Support is particularly important as it can help the employee to quickly find the next step in their career. Outplacement provides the redundant employee with personalised support, which may include psychological or coaching support, career counselling and tests (e.g. Profiles XT). The aim is to help the employee to cope mentally, to find his/her place in the labour market as quickly as possible and to give a transparent message to the remaining employees that the company will be supportive in difficult situations.

When is there a possible need for outplacement?

There are many situations in the life of a company when outplacement may be required. For example, when a company is at a stage in its career where previous competencies are no longer needed, or when a specialist needs to be made redundant after a long period of time. In these cases, cooperation between the company and the dismissed employee is particularly important.

Benefits of outplacement for the employer

A very important benefit for the employer can be that outplacement increases the loyalty of the employees and ensures the reputation of the company, as the dismissed employees feel that the company is interested in their fate even after their departure. In this way, outplacement services not only support the employees, but also benefit the company by helping to build a positive employer brand and improve the internal climate within the company.

The benefits of outplacement for the employee

On the employee side, the most important thing is to support redundant workers during the transition period. This kind of employer engagement can help to maintain the mental health of employees, reducing stress and potential negative effects on the company culture. The support and expert help provided to the dismissed professional is a tremendous source of security. Through a multi-tasking process, they have the opportunity to process what has happened and to open up to new professional perspectives. Properly managed outplacement allows companies to show their commitment to their redundant workers, while providing them with new opportunities and support for their next phase.

How does outplacement work?

The outplacement service involves working with experienced HR consultants and psychologists who, after consulting with the redundant employee, provide more suitable support, vocational tests and career advice to help the sometimes clueless jobseeker move on. We help to ensure that redundancy is not a trauma but a new beginning for both the employee and the employer.