
Solving the equation for humans is a complex and delicate process. Our profession is our passion. We are a team of senior consultants, hardworkers and enthusiasts, aiming to deliver great results and build long lasting partnerships with our clients. We value collaboration, and professional dialogues about industry trends and latest challenges.

Appearances, Executive, Human Resources, News

Depart nicely: The importance and benefits of outplacement for employers

Lay-off is never an easy task for neither the employer nor the employee. However, outplacement, or caring lay-off, offers an opportunity for companies to deal with this situation in a human and supportive way. Outplacement is not just an employer branding tool, but is an increasingly common practice among companies that consider it important to support the future careers of redundant workers.

Depart nicely: The importance and benefits of outplacement for employers

Great topics and atmosphere at our HR Business breakfast event in Debrecen!

Artificial Intelligence and its embracing opportunities

Embracing the Natural Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: Insights from Noémi Éltető's TEDx Talk

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